Monday, February 21, 2011

Plant ideas?? Anyone? Anyone? ... Bueller?

DAY ONE: Discovery :)

Today, I got a renewed since of wanting to live more "green-ly" because of scanning a Sunset magazine. Random, I know. There were these "Eco-friendly" houses and couples that reminded me of my dream of living 75% "green" during college and slowly increase that number to 99% when I'm a full grown adult. That's a ways off. :) So, I researched plants/hanging plants for small spaces/college dorms and i found some good articles. If you'd like to add any just send me the link in a comment! I'd greatly appreciate it! Well, off to bed, just wanted to explain why I made a blog and what it is all about. Me attempting to be "green" at 17! :) (convincing my parents for the last 4 years of being more Eco-friendly has been a nightmare. They refuse to budge!)